Time and again we have heard the term great place to work, and organizations are given this recognition. However, how much do we know about this or what exactly does this mean?
Great Place To Work is a worldwide recognition that certifies organizations. A global authority of workplace culture, leadership behaviours and employee experience. The Institute focuses on the work experience for every employee of the company and reports the clear and direct relationship between employee engagement and financial performance. With the aim to help organizations around the world identify and build high trust, high-performance cultures.
In the recent survey conducted by Great Place To Work, Nexapp Technologies was awarded this certification. The employees answered around 50+ questions in the survey, and the outcome was decided by them. This recognition comes when Nexapp is at the core of branding itself globally and evolving at a great pace. The recognition is a thorough analysis of the organization in different areas on which different organizations are measured globally. Acknowledgement at this platform is a testament to our culture and fantastic people, as well as the many offerings that Nexapp continues to add for employees at all levels.
The survey measured different areas of the organization, which were – Credibility, Respect, Fairness, Pride and Camaraderie.
Credibility – The credibility of any organization begins with a sense of mutual trust and understanding. Clear communication, competence and integrity are key factors. At Nexapp, we strive to deliver clear information, giving the entire team the opportunity to begin conversations on topics they want to share, without any hesitation. Integrity depends on honest and reliable daily actions. Some of the aspects measured in this area show that the management is approachable and easy to talk to, the trust factor where the management refrains from micromanaging individuals and strongly trusts the employees, as well as showcasing that the management adheres to their promises. As compared to India’s Top 50 Mid Size Workplaces.
Respect – Respect for anyone is a combination of safety, collaboration and care for one another. These key elements make up for a sense of mutual respect of employees in the organization, and we are proud that every individual has imbibed this across the organization. Small acts of acknowledgement like appreciation of others’ professional accomplishments, collaboration amongst employees and management where all strive towards solving problems and having a safe and healthy environment. Making for a healthy and respectful workplace environment. Some of the areas measured in the under Respect show that the Nexapp management shows support and appreciation for good work and extra effort put in by any employee. Data also reflects that employee involvement in the decision-making process was high, which results in Nexapp being a healthy workplace both psychologically and emotionally.
Fairness – Equity, impartiality and justice combine to form the three crucial elements for a fair and just organization. Nexapp strives for a balanced treatment for all with the conscious avoidance of impartiality and favouritism – creating a just environment with a lack of discrimination against any individual. Some of the areas measured show that all individuals are equal, irrespective of their position in the organization. Rewards and recognitions are given to those who deserve them, moreover, if ever there is a case of unfair treatment, employees are confident that they will be heard and given a fair opportunity to share their grievances as well.
Pride – The pride of any organization is in the hands of its people. Different elements like employees’ personal jobs, their team and the image of the organization all form the pride of the company. At Nexapp it is seen that employees believe that they are making a difference with their work. When asked, employees feel a sense of pride when they look at everything they have accomplished at work, along with, there being a feel-good factor that everyone feels of all the things the company has contributed to society, and are proud of being a part of the Nexapp Community.
Camaraderie – Camaraderie by definition means a feeling of mutual trust and friendship among people who spend a lot of time together. The elements in this area are intimacy, hospitality and community – all clubs together to form the environment at Nexapp. Employees believe that they can be themselves here and that they feel welcome at Nexapp.
Nexapp has a culture of innovation, which gives the space to every individual to make a difference and grow in the process. With a strong belief in community, the driving force of Nexapp is its people. A strong sense of togetherness forms the core of any team.96% of the employees at Nexapp strongly believe that we hold these values and beliefs, and hence, we are proud to hold this honour of being called A Great Place To Work.